Softaken Software - Disclaimer

The content available on this website is just to make users aware about the product and general information that is subject to change without prior notice.

Softaken makes no representation or warranty,either expressed or implied,with respect to the software applications,accuracy,quality or fitness of particular application. The author,Softaken has no liability to you or other person with respect to any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly by the software.

Softaken make any changes to the information contained on the website. The author can make periodic changes to any of the products at any time. The author has the right to do changes in the software without any notice. Users are requested to verify the accuracy,relevance and completeness of the material for their purposes independently before relying it.

Softaken is not responsible for any damage,incidental,contract or otherwise,arising out of or in connection with any information contained on the website.

Users are liable to check whether the product is compatible with their system environment and other tools installed on their system. They are responsible for safeguarding data on their system. Softaken will not be liable for any unfavorable condition or damage resulting from the information on the site.

If you believe the information available in this website, is incorrect or inaccurate,freely contact our online support staff.
